Friday, June 5, 2009

Hugs & Kisses Army @ Mustache Mondays

Dear amigos; 

this monday June 8th, 2009 MustacheMondays is very proud and excited to host the next stop on the HUGS & KISSES ARMY Club Tour currently under way.

The HUGS & KISSES ARMY is raising money for the LA Gay & Lesbian Center, who are dealing with major budget cuts for 2010. All of our performers, DJ's & dancers at MUSTACHE MONDAYS are donating their time this week so that we are able to give 100% of the money we make at the door to the LA Gay & Lesbian Center as part of the HUGS & KISSES ARMY Club Tour.

Also, limited edition MUSTACHE MIX CD's will be sold with 100% of the profits going to the Center.



If you sincerely have no idea what the hugs and kisses army is about here is a little info:

The hugs and kisses army is a collective of fun loving, rabble-rousing, night-life-ing promoters, Dj's and performing artists who decided it was time to take their free-wheeling lifestyle and put it to use in the name of making a contribution to their community and the world. Together, we have committed to setting aside our differences (and the competitiveness of urban nightlife) and combine our vast resources towards the goal of supporting and defending our queer community in its long climb towards health and vitality, justice and human rights and the liberation of spirit and full expression..

first mission: counteract the budget cuts and donation lull that has hit the LA Gay & Lesbian Center for their 2010 budget. The Center is a pillar of our community that provides invaluable free testing and treatment of STD and HIV/AIDS as well as a plethora of other extraordinary services and in these harsh economic times, these services our forefathers have fought so hard for will be the first thing to go if we take them for granted or remain oblivious to their fragility. Hence there is a dire need to spread awareness and inspire a new generation of supporters for this organization.

If you would like to join their cause here is their site 

Have a good night lovers! and see you on the dance floor! ciao! 


Amores: it might be raining outside BUT it is finally friday and there seem to be plenty of places to party from "weho" to hollyweird or just around the corner in downtown :) Let's just hope that the rain is not used as an excuse not to party :) but for now let me leave you with a great old-school song that i just have to share...

Be safe and enjoy this debaucherous weekend

Thursday, June 4, 2009



Gay Pride is almost here and you might be asking your queer-self 

"how would i start yet another debaucherous weekend" ???

do not worry my boys and girls and trannies and all of you because i have some 

get ready for this June 11th at the Standard(Hollywood)

and if you would like to be on the list make sure to email them at

 gurrrrrl its on!