Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Valentine's Day: according to "Cherry Bomb"

Dear Lovers:
Valentine's is just around the corner and the girls of Cherry Bomb discuss this intriguing "holiday"
Furthermore they give fun and inexpensive ideas for celebrating Valentine’s Day with your partner or friends if you’re single on the day.
And just in case you are not familiar with Cherry Bomb well meet your hosts:
The Hosts:
Tatum DeRoeck: Lesbian Hiking Czar 
"She started that Hiking Hunnies just to pick up chicks"

Dalila Ali Rajah: Mystic Patron Czar
"She'll give you a faerie card reading in the middle of a night club - it's just weird I tell you, weird..."

Nikki Caster: Astrology Czar
"She never remembers anyone's name, only their birthdays and where their moons are rising"

Gloria Bigelow: Supernatural "Bullsh*t" Detection Czar - Expert on SLP (Standard Lesbian Practice)
"She can smell a player from a mile away... which makes you wonder what else she can smell?"

 and if you like what you see, well check them out at or their myspace page at

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